
Git Repository 복제 --mirror 및 Branch 관리

Git Repository 복제

Remote → Local 복제

# mirror
$ git clone --mirror https://github.com/cdecl/test

$ tree -d
└── test.git
    ├── branches
    ├── hooks
    ├── info
    ├── objects
    │   ├── info
    │   └── pack
    └── refs
        ├── heads
        └── tags

Local → Remote 복제

  • git push --mirror
$ cd test.git

# git remote set-url origin https://gitlab.com/cdeclare/test 
# git push --mirror 
$ git push --mirror https://gitlab.com/cdeclare/test

아래와 같은 에러는 GitHub pull requests, Gitlab protected branches 있을때 발생

# GitHub pull requests 이력
 ! [remote rejected] refs/pull/1/head -> refs/pull/1/head (deny updating a hidden ref)

# Gitlab protected branches 설정
 ! [remote rejected] master -> master (pre-receive hook declined)

Branch 관리

Branch 기본

# branch 생성
$ git branch dev

# branch 전환
$ git checkout dev 

# branch 삭제
$ git branch -d dev 

# branch 생성 및 전환 
$ git checkout -b dev
Switched to a new branch 'dev'

Remote branch tracking

# remote branch tracking 
$ git branch -t dev origin/dev

# remote branch tracking + 전환 
$ git checkout -t origin/dev

Remote branch 전체 tracking

  • git branch -r | grep -v -- "->" | xargs -i git checkout -t {}
# remote repository (branch) 정보 동기화
# -p, --prune           prune remotes after fetching
# git remote update -p 
$ git remote update

# -a, --all
# -r, --remotes
$ git branch -a
* master
  remotes/origin/HEAD -> origin/master

# git remote branch tracking
# git branch -t <branch name>
$ git branch -r | grep -v -- "->" | xargs -i git checkout -t {}
Branch 'origin/dev9' set up to track local branch 'master'.
Branch 'origin/master' set up to track local branch 'master'.
Branch 'origin/newb' set up to track local branch 'master'.

$ git branch -a
* master
  remotes/origin/HEAD -> remotes/origin/master

Branch push

# branch push
# git checkout dev && git push
$ git push -u origin dev

# 전체 Branch Push 
$ git push --all 

Remote branch 삭제 및 동기화

# remote branch delete 
$ git push origin -d newb

# Local → Remote Branch 동기화 : Local 기준으로 생성/삭제
$ git push --mirror
